Child Care Resource & Referral

Become a Provider

Start a Child Care

The Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) is the state agency responsible for overseeing early childhood education and care programs.

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Types of Child Care Programs

High-quality early childhood care and education matters. Learn about the different provider types to find the one that works best for you.

Types of CCP 1    Types of CCP 2

Types of CCP 3    Types of CCP 4

Become a Preschool Promise Provider

Preschool Promise (PSP) is a free, high-quality preschool program available to Oregon families who are living at or below 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level in Oregon. The program is operated in a variety of settings and is overseen by The Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care.

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If you are interested in learning more about becoming a  PSP provider, complete the interest form or visit DELC’s webpage: