If you are behind on making payments to your utility company make sure to stay in contact with them. Explain your current situation and discuss payment options to prevent disconnection. It may be possible to arrange a payment option to maintain service. Click on the utility company links below for more information:
General Energy Tips
- Let the utility company know you are seeking assistance from an energy assistance program.
- Make payments monthly, if not able to pay full amount a minimum payment is better than no payment at all.
- Set your thermostat at 68 degrees, or as low as comfortable during the day. Reduce to 55 degrees at night and when you are gone.
- Heating your house with an open wood fireplace or the oven can be dangerous, costly and in the end ineffective.
- Turn your lights and appliances off when they’re not being used. If it is a standby device unplug it even when not in use as they can account for up to 10 percent of your electricity costs.
Fall Energy Tips
- Turn down the thermostat to 65-70 degree during the day and 58-60 degree at night.
- Remove window air conditioners.
- Clean or replace filters regularly.
- During the day open the curtains and let the sunshine help heat the house.
- Keep all heating vents and baseboard heaters clear of items and clean.
- Take quick showers instead of baths.
- Use a blanket or extra layers instead of turning-up the thermostat.
Consejos Energeticos Para El Otoño
- Baje el termostato a 65-70 grado durante el dia y a 58-60 grado durante la noche.
- Quitar los aires acondicionados de Ventana. Limpie o remplace los filtros con regularidad.
- Durante el dia abre las cortinas y deja que los rayos del sol ayuden a calentar la casa.
- Mantenga todas las rejillas de ventilacion y los calentadores limpios y libres de objetos.
- Tome duchas rapidas en lugar de baños.
- Utilice una cobija o capas adicionales en lugar de subir el termostato.
More Resources
Energy Tracker
A tool offered to Portland General Electric customers as a way to analyze energy use and create a savings plan.
211 Info
A free, confidential and anonymous service for finding other programs and resources in your community.
Public Utility Commission
Ensures that safe and reliable utility services are provided to consumers, and serves as a neutral third-party to assess and address customer complaints.